YOLO cookies and poison meatballs

GREG: this thing sucks
GREG: the woman who gave it to me in the elevator said it was a new flavor
GREG: if I see her again I’m gonna tell her “that cookie sucked ass!”

LISA: wait you took food from a stranger?!
GREG: and now I’m eating it!
BRAIN: it totally has mescaline in it!

BRAIN: and rat poison!

BRAIN: didn’t you read the poison meatballs are back!?
BRAIN: we’re gonna have to take you to the vet
GREG: if eating meatballs off the ground is wrong, I don’t wanna be right

Lisa’s deconstructed pancakes

MARIE: omg
MARIE: Lisa is eating ice cream directly out of the tub… with a fork
WILLIAM: at least she’s graduated from her universal chopsticks

JILLIAN: oh man, remember the food concoctions she would make?
JILLIAN: bowls of so many weird combinations
JILLIAN: and the chopsticks

BRIAN: did any one write them down? This could be a cookbook
BRIAN: I’m pretty serious, people love insane cookbooks, and she always eats healthy food
SCOTT: “cook” book
SCOTT: we should not be mean to Lisa
WILL: my favorite lisa recipe is
WILL: 1. put some flour in a bowl,
WILL: 2. put some water in that bowl,
WILL: 3. stir

BRIAN: woah
SCOTT: I don’t think what Will just said counts as… healthy
BRIAN: …maybe if you only eat a tiny bit of it?
WILL: throw some protein powder in there and you could get prettty swole off of such a concoction

BRIAN: Lisa confirmed that was a real recipe of hers
LISA (paraphrased): I was in college, and I wanted to make pancakes. So I thought, why not take all the ingredients of pancakes, and put them in the microwave?
Then I thought, I don’t really need all these ingredients…

BRAIN: if you put that on a triangular plate and charge $50 for it you may have something

High Technical Excellent Taste And Flavor

MARIE: this is a cough drop
MARIE: ow my nose hurts
BRAIN: intense isn’t it
BRAIN: the gum was worse believe it or not

MARIE: why would you pay money for this?
BRAIN: because it was black and gum and Japanese and contraband in high school
BRAIN: of course I no longer have that last excuse

MARIE: this is terrible
BRAIN: it’s an experience!
JOSH: sounds like a bad experience!
BRAIN: it’s character building!
JOSH: everything character-building is definitely a bad experience

MARIE: the things that you give me to eat are sometimes good
MARIE: always weird
BRAIN: we are explorers of the outer regions of experience!!