BRAIN: full of crazy amount of goodwill this morning. And caffeine. Lots and lots of caffeine.
NICOLE: Who are you and what have you done with Brian! I kid. I woke up happy too. It’s odd.
JANE: Goodwill!?! I don’t trust this Brian.
RAYTRACE: Be afraid… very very afraid.
Yesterday was a Management day.
The moment when someone understands you already know the assignment is ridiculous is a beautiful one.
ENGINEER: You’re asking me to do something dumb.
BRAIN: I agree! But I’m sure you’re going to make it something wonderful.
ENGINEER: This project is horribly mismanaged!
BRAIN: yes.
ENGINEER: we’re screwed!
BRAIN: no we’re not! We have you!
BRAIN: see you at the code review tomorrow!
So I guess that “Goodwill” is kind of like “maniacal and ill-founded optimism.” Perversely satisfying!