Your Kleen Kanteen is an impostor

Does your black Kleen Kanteen seem… different… somehow? The top
feels different when you put it on? The scarring in the black paint
is a different pattern? It’s now a DIFFERENT VOLUME?!

I may be crazy (!) but I am pretty sure my black metal water bottle
has been replaced with a near-duplicate. I think it happened sometime
over the weekend shoot either at 15 Romolo or Spec’s.

I know this seems like a test in-theme with the movie (this bottle
looks exactly the same as the old one but somehow it’s not the same
one) but – if anyone normally uses a black Kleen Kanteen, and noticed
that in the last week it changed ever-so-slightly… we should switch.
The top on mine had a metal liner.

Completely unrelated in every way:

When people with Capgras Syndrome see a friend, spouse, or themselves
in a mirror, they believe they are seeing an exact double or an

Sometimes, people with Capgras Syndrome even believe that inanimate
objects — like a chair, watch, book, or lamp — have been replaced by
exact replicas. If people own a pet, the pet may be seen as an
impostor, a strange animal roaming through their lives and homes.

Capgras patients are often so disturbed when they see a doppelganger
in the mirror that they remove all mirrors from the home. The
syndrome, named for French psychiatrist Jean Marie Joseph Capgras,
afflicts thousands of people in the United States.

Consider these two true stories:

A 37-year-old woman came into the office of Carol Berman, a
psychiatrist at New York University Medical Center, with a strange
complaint. She had returned to her house recently to find a man
sitting on her couch. He was familiar, sort of, and he was wearing her
husband’s clothes. But something didn’t feel right to this woman. She
felt a strange kind of emptiness when she looked at him. She was
struck by the very deep sense that her husband had somehow been
replaced by this strange man.

A student at the University of California, San Diego was severely
injured in a car accident. After several weeks in a coma, he regained
consciousness and seemed to be doing fine. But according to V.S.
Ramachandran, a neuroscientist at the university, when the patient’s
mother came to see him, he exclaimed, “Who is this woman? She looks
just like my mother, but she’s an impostor! She’s some other woman
pretending to be my mother.”