BRAIN: My genius friend Normal is behind these whiskey soaps
SOWINGS: K-rad. I just converted to a brush, and I’ll give this a try when my current soap runs out.
MVOSS: Now you can smell like Lindsey Lohan!
MVOSS: J/K that actually sounds like a genius idea
BRAIN: Good one Matt! The follow up could be the Ke$ha flavored toothpaste (Jack Daniels)
BRAIN: I was pitching Ke$ha flavored toothpaste
SHAC: yuck
BRAIN: it tastes like –
SHAC: trash?
BRAIN: No, Jack Daniels
SHAC: did you see that thing on MTV where Ke$ha and her brother –
BRAIN: make out?
SHAC: He’s along on her tour and he’s filming behind the scenes –
BRAIN: and then they make out?
SHAC: Wasn’t Ke$ha the one with the meat dress?
BRAIN: That was Lady Gaga my friend.
SHAC: I get them mixed up
BRAIN: huh.