MARIE: That bunny island link was very cute
MARIE: does Japan have an island per animal?
MARIE: there is the cat island also
BRAIN: I think it’s where they exile all the shapeshifters
BRAIN: for reasons of national security
MARIE: hah
MARIE: Is there a fox island?
BRAIN: no way
BRAIN: those guys you gotta kill on sight
BRAIN: before they get elected to the Diet
The Miyazaki movie Pom Poko is about shapeshifting tanuki and the plight of wildlife in Japan (all the forests are being cut down due to urbanization).
In one short segment the foxes show up, and apparently they have totally integrated into the Japanese economy, to the extent they own hostess bars (implying they have a Yakuza presence).
BRAIN: So I’ve dreamt of making a sequel
BRAIN: where we get a glimpse of the insanity of the Fox society…
MARIE: nice
BRAIN: I’m thinking it would be like “Wolf of Wall Street meets Takeshi Miike”… with furries basically
MARIE: yikes