The People’s Grocery

Our mission is to uphold the human right to healthy and affordable food and to build community self-reliance by increasing neighborhood access to locally-produced fruits and vegetables and by promoting social enterprise, youth entrepreneurship, sustainable agriculture and grassroots organizing. Our vision is to help transform West Oakland into a thriving center of economic well-being, sustainability, and social justice supported by an entrepreneurial spirit for innovation and self-determination. We use a cross-sectoral strategy of bringing grassroots organizing and street-level marketing together with socially responsible business and agricultural practices to positively impact problems facing West Oakland.

Web link of note: The People’s Grocery

The Miskatonic Acid Test

“We’re hard at work making The Miskatonic Acid Test the best damned Psychedelic Rock ‘n’ Roll Cthulhu movie ever made”

The Miskatonic Acid Test is a unique, unusual, and, we hope, way cool sort of horror film. The premise is this: in 1969 a group of students at Miskatonic University in witch-haunted Arkham, Massachusetts decided to emulate the West Coast and put on their own sort of “happening”, where “music and atmosphere could combine to create an alteration of consciousness”, with the clandestine help of a little LSD. Or maybe a lot. Unfortunately, the professor they chose to serve as faculty adviser on the project had an agenda of his own; see, he was a philosophy professor, one who specialized in the “study of Evil”, and one who saw the Miskatonic Acid Test as an opportunity for a little experiment. As the music and drugs reached their peak he ascended the stage and began to read incantations from the dread Necronomicon…

Web link of note: The Miskatonic Acid Test