U Owe Me

Send a greeting card reminder to someone… like say a debtor.

What’s weird is I remember seeing a sunday school movie (at a Buddhist temple) about the trap of “Yuomi” (“you owe me”)- the tendency (in Asian cultures) to give someone a gift larger than the one you last received to assuage one’s own guilt.

It was pointed out that this is a manifestation of the ego, and is not a healthy habit.

In the film, a gremlin-like man, played by one of the actors, is named Yuomi, and keeps encouraging the other characters to “do better than that” e.g. “how can you be so stingy? Remember what she gave YOU? You should make sure you give her something better.”

It’s a weird balance.

Web link of note: U Owe Me
(At http://www.u-owe-me.com/)

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